A few ago weeks ago now I entered Dr Bejma’s clinic ready for my treatment. The treatment I’d seen in the press, those before and after photos of Judy Murray and the one I’d looked at online and wondered if it would help my poor old turkey neck and sagging jawline.
I was hoping to see Dr Bejma when she visited a clinic in Leicester but she hadn't been able to pin down any dates, I was more than happy to travel to Leeds to see her though, I'd already told Nick that was my plan!
After conversations with Dr Bejma she confirmed I would be a suitable candidate which made me very happy. For complete transparency Dr Bejma then actually asked if I would like to collaborate with her, offering this treatment for me to share my journey with you guys.
So, what is Morpheus 8?
Morpheus 8 is an in-clinic skin treatment that combines two of the most popular anti-aging treatments, micro-needling and radio-frequency, in one device to help stimulate collagen production. This particular treatment targets the deeper layers of the skin though, offering great results. It can help with sagging skin, acne scars, help improve your skin's overall condition, and can help with wrinkles and pigmentation. It's often referred to as the 'non surgical facelift'.
It's a non invasive treatment and can be performed on the face and also on the body. So, face, neck and abdomen are the most popular areas but you can also treat knees and thighs.
If you're interested in skin like me you'll know that micro needling causes micro trauma to the skin, kick starting a healing response and then the heat from the radio-frequency has a shrink wrap like effect to help tighten the skin, I mean they're not the technical terms as I'm no aesthetician :D but you know, in a nutshell!!
1-3 treatments will be required, generally 3 are needed [this will be discussed at your consultation] and they will be 4-6 weeks apart and then a yearly maintenance may be required, to top up the great results from your initial treatment, but obviously that differs from person to person.
It's a great option for those that want to see a big improvement but don't want to go under the knife. In fact it's one of the most exciting non surgical treatments on the market right now!!
The head of the Morpheus 8 device contains 24 coated pins that penetrate deep into the skin and fat so this is not something you can tackle without a topical anaesthetic! Dr Bejma applied a numbing cream to the whole of my face and this was left on for around 40 minutes to work it's magic.

Then Dr Bejma began.....
I'll be totally honest and tell you that I'd read a lot about the Morpheus treatment beforehand and watched a few videos and even with the numbing I was expecting it to be uncomfortable. When I walked into the clinic Dr Bejma said "I bet you're excited but a little nervous" and that was so true. I'd even told the girls at work that I was expecting pain. Dr Bejma did a little test area to see how I tolerated it, I laid on that couch gripping my hands together and I think even holding my breath a little at one point whilst she delivered the needles into my skin but it was actually fine, totally bearable in fact and I was really surprised but I think I'd just got it into my head that it was going to be painful.
Dr Bejma started with my under eye area and my cheeks and then slowly worked around my face, jawline and neck.
Is it painful?
I'm not going to say it was 'painful', I'd phrase it as more of a discomfort.
Yes, there were areas of my face that were a little more uncomfortable than others, a little stingy, let's put it that way, and the odd area that took me by surprise, but I feel I need to be honest as that discomfort was there.
I'd say my neck area was where there was more discomfort, although totally tolerable, but my neck is my main area of concern anyway so I'm willing to do whatever it takes there, no pain, no gain as they say!!
Dr Bejma did two passes over the areas and it only took around 30 minutes.
Following the treatment my skin was quite red and a little swollen as you can see from the photos, this is totally normal, it wasn't painful in any way afterwards but did feel a little bit stingy, a bit like sunburn.
A liberal amount of healing cream was applied to my face followed by a good SPF 50 and I was given more of the cream and the SPF in little pots to take home and use as it's important you heal in the right way. You can't wear makeup for 1-2 days post treatment, I waited for 2 days, then applied very light makeup. Personally I'd say 2 days is about right, I didn't want to put anything on my face before then if I'm honest, thing is you have tiny little scabs on your face so heavy makeup is not ideal. You must avoid being in the sun too, wear your SPF guys at all times, not just after any skin treatment!!! I wish I'd known how important sun protection was when I was growing up. Bear these points in mind if you have to plan your treatment around work or any social events as there is a little bit of downtime, I didn't leave the house for 2 days.
On leaving the clinic my neck was definitely more red than my face and had lots of little lumps at the entry points, again Dr Bejma explained this was normal and they would disappear before long. The redness in my face started to subside on the journey home but my neck was still red, and actually stayed like that for a day or two. I'll talk more about my recovery and results in the subsequent blog posts, this is more about the treatment itself.
Choosing a clinic
I cannot stress how important it is to do your research, and then some more, before you book in for your treatment, but then you know that right?! I'm not just talking about this treatment either, I'm talking about any aesthetic/surgical procedure you are thinking of having and don't just research the treatment but the clinic AND the doctor too. Take your time and don't rush into anything.
As I said I was thinking I would be able to book the treatment when Dr Bejma visited my home city of Leicester so I'd already done my homework on the treatment before I chatted to her, I then went on to do my research on Dr Bejma too!!! You have too, please don't skip this, this is for your safety. Turns out Dr Bejma was a junior doctor in Leicester many years ago, she is an advanced medical aesthetic practitioner as well as being a busy GP and I love that she's not about reversing the signs of ageing but about releasing the real beauty that's already in you.
I've experienced a few clinics in my time and encountered some pleasant and friendly doctors and some not so, I'm not saying the 'not so's' aren't professional and uber qualified, they most certainly are, cos like I say, I do my research on that side of things, but I like to feel comfortable in a clinic environment, welcomed and at ease you know, after all you're handing over your hard earned cash and you need to be happy with all aspects of your care and treatment. If you have a consultation and you are not happy and feel there's something, anything, you're not entirely happy with, walk away!
What I will also say is that the minute I walked into Dr Bejma's clinic I felt comfortable and at ease [big tick off the list for me] and she greeted us with the biggest smile, even though we couldn't actually see her smile [sounds crazy I know but she had a mask on - Covid times] you could see that smile in her eyes, hear it and feel it!!!! Hand on heart she is one of the nicest doctors I have come across and she knows her stuff. I would 100% recommend her and word of mouth goes a long way in this business.
Why I had it done
So, some people have asked why I've had/having the treatment, telling me that I look okay as I am, they can't see the issues that I do. Some people will also say to others, although no ones actually said this to me, "Why can't you just accept that you're getting older and actually grow old gracefully?', I've heard so many women say that to other women.
Firstly, I totally accept I'm getting older, none of us can stop the passing of time, growing old is a privilege that is denied to many and it's a true blessing to experience it.
Secondly, I'm never growing old gracefully!!! We only have one shot at this life so I'm whooping it up and being disgraceful till I can't no more. I will love with all my being, laugh till it hurts, always be spontaneous and of course have all the beauty treatments I want and can afford, the latter being the issue as money doesn't grow on trees, but still.....one life!
Thirdly, you may not see the flaws, or issues, call them what you like but I DO and I don't like them. I applaud women who see their face changing as they get older and totally embrace it, but I can't and I'm just being honest guys. Nick, my husband of 30 years always tell me I'm beautiful as I am but also know's if a treatment helps with my confidence and how I feel inside and I'm happy with it, then he's happy and supports me all the way. If I ever wanted a face lift that might be a different ball game but you know...we'll see when I hit 70.. ha ha.
I'm 52 at the moment, not old by any stretch of the imagination [definitely still feel 30 in my head although aching body doesn't agree] but bigger changes are now happening. I've been on medication for many years for rheumatoid arthritis and I know that has affected my skin too over time, helping create deep lines and wrinkles and I don't sleep well at all so that has also taken it's toll on my skin. The dreaded turkey neck has crept up on me and thanks to the peri menopause my whole face seems to have dropped and hit the floor and I can't pick it back up again! The jowls are real, lips have also gone south and I look sad when I'm not smiling, even though I'm full of happiness inside and quiet frankly I just don't like what I see in the mirror any more.
Over the years people have always said I don't look my age and people will say to me even now that they would no way put me in my 50's, ha.....wait till you get closer then you'll realise. I jest, but it's how I feel. I'm not confident with my skin anymore and the way my face looks, I feel like I've aged so much in the last year and I know a lot of that is down to the shitty menopause, and the multiple Covid lockdowns haven't helped either!
I will say it again, that if you're happy with what you see in the mirror, that's amazing but also don't judge others that don't feel the same way. I have friends that are the same age or older than me that don't have the same issues and jowls are no where to be seen BUT we're all different and genetics play a big part. I know I don't have to justify myself but I do want to say that by having treatments I'm not expecting to turn back time or to look younger, that's not what I want, far from it, I just want to look like a better, fresher version of me. THAT. IS. ALL.
And.......skin ageing is never something that any of us want BUT it is something we can hold off for as long as possible with a healthy lifestyle and some seriously amazing treatments!!
In the next blog post I'll be talking about the days following my first treatment and the results so far and I'm due for my second treatment in the next week. In the meantime you'll find lots of info and videos of my treatment taking place over on my
Instagram highlights [click on the Morpheus8 circle in my bio] I mean hey, just come give me a follow anyway and if you have any questions whatsoever please get in touch via instagram or send me an email and I'll try and help.
Please also check out Dr Bejma's website
here and give her a follow on Instagram
right here.
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