Shock, horror, yes this is my first MAC lipstick, which is bad considering 99% of the planet have one or multiple MAC lipsticks stashed away somewhere. I haven't worn a lipstick for years now, well not a proper twisty up bullet one. I've steered clear of what I call a regular lipstick as I have the driest lips in the whole world and I'll be honest and admit that I've just used a cheap and cheerful version of the chubby stick for donkeys years but it's done me proud, quite rich and moisturising actually, not bad for a cheapie. I'm ashamed to say I've even stuck to the same shade for the last couple of years, you know what it's like, you find something you love and you use it forever! My god, I've looked the same every day for the last two years, very adventurous, NOT! It was that cheap I've even stockpiled, daren't count how many are in the drawer.
But the thing is, I looked in the mirror one morning and told myself I'd got to up my game, I mean, come on, how can I call myself a beauty blogger when I wear the same lip shizzle every day. I kept seeing all you beautiful people, yes you, wearing lovely nude shades by MAC I had to join in and give my lips what they deserve, quality, not a £2.15 cheapo chubby stick dupe.
Err....can't lie though, still gonna use my cheapo for work!
As the title of my post will tell you I opted for the shade Faux. I'd kind of got this one in my head from what I'd read and seen but also tested Brave and Velvet Teddy. I'm so glad I bought Faux though. I love the shade and it actually makes my lips look quite pouty! (Why do I pull a pouty face when I type this?) I use it with my No7 precision lip liner in nude and they blend perfectly. I've been surprised at how nourishing it is when on my shrivelled as a prune lips and am impressed by how long it lasts, so although this is pricier than my previous lip purchases I will definitely be getting it again, and other shades too!
Click here to check out the amazing shades and finish but you'll be spoilt for choice.
Are you are MAC lipstick fan? What's your favourite shade?
I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful addiction! I shudder to think how much money Mac lippies have claimed from me in the past! I just added 'Blankety' to my collection this week and I'm in love! xx
ReplyDeleteSarah |
Sarah I think you may be right! I can't wait to get my next one but I'm slightly concerned I'll just opt for a very similar shade because I'm boring and not adventurous at all! I'm going to see what blankety looks like and I will of course keep you posted! xx
DeleteThis is such a pretty colour! I had the same problem with my dry lips too which stopped me from wearing lipsticks for ages, a lot of lip salve before putting it on has been my saviour!!
Thankyouuuuu! I love it so much and top tip putting the lip salve underneath, I will try that. xx
DeleteThis shade is so pretty! I might purschase it myself. xo
ReplyDeleteIsn't it? You should definitely get Faux, a shade for everyone! xx
DeleteUm, I don't own any MAC either! Well I did have a lipglass years ago but no more.We have one in my town now but I find it kind of overwhelming - it's full of 16 yrs olds (both the workers and the clientele) and the music is deafening! Just makes me feel ancient lol! That is a super pretty pinky peach colour though, I'm almost tempted to brave the store and try it! ;-0
ReplyDeleteOurs is located in the Debenhams department store, the staff aren't particularly young but I often find them quite rude and abrupt which is very disappointing, they're supposed to be there to help but because of that I can't be bothered to even approach them! I hope you pluck up the courage to brave the store and get yourself one and speaking of brave, thats the next shade I'm getting! xx