My journey through the week.
Beautiful flowers from the thoughtful Mr C as I've had a long couple of weeks and he wanted to cheer me up. You see, I've been off doing jury service, for the second time may I add. I first did it two years ago and couldn't believe it when I was selected again! This time round I was picked for a case that was quite lengthy, difficult and emotional. Even though its over, in a weird way I did enjoy it.
I know some people find lillies a bit too pungent and overpowering but I love them.
Toasty toes in my new slippers. I have to wear slippers around the house, don't you? Hate cold feet.
Aww..romantic cappuccino in the garden with the other half. I love the better spring weather, we love to escape into the garden whenever we can.I've been trying to get back on track and start eating healthy again, lost my mojo though and am struggling.
Stocking up on a few Easter bits! Bunny and chicks too cute to eat or what?
It's the weekend, yippeeeee. Sun out, flats on. I don't really do flats apart from flip flops but you just can't keep walking round with your boots on when the sun is shining now can you?The sun just kept on coming so after a long day in court the little piggies came out for some fresh air.
It was Emily's 17th birthday this Saturday. How on earth could our gorgeous daughter be 17, how did that happen? She had her first driving lesson on her birthday and loved it. She cant' wait for the next one. We can, they are being supplied by the bank of mum and dad, and bloody expensive they are too!!!!!
We popped to see Nick's mum and dad and Em had a great birthday surprise as Nick's brother and girlfriend were there with little Pippa!
Parent's are surplus to requirements now at this age as in the evening she went off to her boyfriends house. Liam had arranged a house party with all her friends. Sorry about this pic quality someone else took it.
So what did we do to celebrate our daughters birthday whilst she was out partying on Saturday night? Have a takeaway that's what!
We had to celebrate, if we didn't that would be rude.
Just look at this spectacular sky outside our house. Look's like it's on fire.
Itsy bitsy lie in on Sunday.............then as the sun had got it's hat on again, off we went for a walk. I do hope this lovely weather keeps up. It's just so nice to be able to get out in the fresh air, and see your smalls blowing in the breeze on the washing line! I've got a sneaky suspicion it's not gonna last though.
Just look at that blossom.
So bloomin pretty
As we were meandering along, soaking up the sun, oohing and arghing at the flowers and blossom, our feet mysteriously made their way to the pub!Better sit down and have a half then!
So nice sitting in the pub garden feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, makes you feel alive!
Well posh pub toilets......
.......looks like some fancy pants hotel.
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