been very busy at work as well as trying to get back in to some sort of routine
at the gym. It's going in the right direction, I did four classes this week! But
oh boy, my muscles were screaming at me to stop! I could barely get myself down the stairs
after I did 3 classes in the same day. Onwards and upwards with this mission
but I really do need to get myself some more workout gear. Believe it or not, I
am picky about what I wear to the gym so it takes me a while to find something
I am comfortable in but looks good at the same time, because you still have to look
good at the gym right? Oh and reasonably priced. Here's a few I've been looking at.
Click these links for info
Pure Simple 2 Tone layer tank JD sports £18
I like the Adidas black edge range as it's something a little different.
Mr C had some very upsetting news on Wednesday. His very
dear friend Steve passed away after a long illness. It's so hard to deal with
the loss of his friend but Nick knows he is suffering no more and has gone to a
better place.
Nick's dad was also taken into hospital for an operation
on a clot in his leg. That couldn't go ahead on the day due to a small
complication but all was ok the following afternoon, he had the op and all went well.
Mum said goodbye to her crutches this week, hooray! She
had her hip replaced in November and was on crutches a lot longer than
originally thought because she had to have an unexpected bone graft. I am
pleased to say mummy is doing very well.
I got myself a new nail colour. I had a no7
voucher, you now the one, £3 off skincare/cosmetics. When I get one I have
to use it. Why waste it. I normally use these on a new nail colour or lip
pencil. Here is the one I got this week.
I adore the colour. The shade is Neptune and it's the gel-look colour, real high gloss. With the voucer it was £4, bargain.
Also got a new pair of shoes for a party next weekend.
love skyscraper heels but when you're dancing its all you can do to keep the
shoes on your feet. So, I decided to get some with an ankle strap to solve this
problem! I had to take something back to New Look for my daughter and went
there with intention of having a refund, but saw the shoes and at just £19.99 I
had to take them home, and bonus, they're actually quite
comfortable. Although, I do like to
dance ALL night, so I'll let you know more once I've been jigging away in them
for 5/6 hours. I bought mine in store and am struggling to find them online but click here for a very similar pair.
With the weather being cold and downright miserable this
week, Mr C and I have been going up to our boudoir early in the evenings, no,
not for that, naughty, but to chill, relax and catch up on some tv. What are we watching? Well
I'll tell you, Real Housewives of...........
Yep, we watch them all. I started to watch the housewives
of Orange County some years ago and then for some reason Mr C watched one and he was hooked too! We have them all on series
link so we caught up on all of the Housewives of New York and managed to squeeze in the latest season of
housewives of Beverly Hills!! Love it, love it. Think its because we are both
so nosey and love to see how the other half live. You can imagine our excitement
when our tv started to record season 8 of
Orange County. I know Mr C is secretly in love with Gretchen!!!
Then the best thing ever happened.....the weekend arrived!
We spent Friday night with our closest friends, Sarah and John. A good catch up was well overdue and had to be done.
We ate, drank (a lot), caught up on everything, danced, sang very loudly and had the best time ever!
We parted company just after 2.30am. I seem to remember Sarah and I declaring our love for each other very publicly, in the street, oops!
We had to be up by 8am on Saturday as we had someone coming to look at our sofa between 8-10 that morning (another story) but for some reason my eyes did not want to open and my stomach couldn't decide whether it need to pay a visit to the toilet pan or not. What the sofa man must of thought when he looked at me and Nick I do not know.
Then on Saturday Mr C took me to my favourite place, Ikea!!!! Was still feeling a little rough hence the shades on a somewhat cloudy day!
Picked up a few bits and lots of photo frames to get my next mini project going, a picture wall in my hallway.
Who knows what Sunday will bring but I do know it'll go bloomin quick and before we know it Monday will be here, Boo!
Hope you are all having a great weekend. I'd love to hear what you've been up to or what purchases you've made.
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