I was pleased as there wasn't a huge crowd there, it enabled us to wander round quite easily and were able to go on all the interactive stuff without having to fight through crowds of people.
The Soyuz capsule |
This was the launch. Holly and Faye went into the tiny launch pod and Sarah and I blasted them off into space. Well, they blasted off eventually, after a bloomin long time figuring out all the buttons and listening to the instructions. Let's just say after our appalling launch I don't think we'll be applying for jobs at NASA any time soon. There were lots of buttons and lights though on the mission control panel, this is only the half of it!!!!
We then went into the Planetarium for a journey into space. It was a bit like one of those cinedome things you go in with 360 degree views. I thought it might be a bit boring but it was sooo interesting. No photos allowed though. They told us about all the planets, deep space and the galaxies. With the other galaxies how can there NOT be life out there? Hmm......don't answer that, we'll leave that debate for another day.
Mr C is well into our sky at night, the planets and outer space but I'm afraid to say I know nothing. He's always trying to teach me, pointing out the various planets, I often just nod politely without any of it sinking it. BUT, what they were saying made some kind of sense so I must have listened to Mr C at some point. Thing is, I have to really be in the right mood to have a Patrick Moore lesson and be impressed by it.
Off on our next mission........into a space simulator! Again no pics I'm afraid. This one was AMAZING!
I felt like we were on a ride at a theme park. 3D glasses on, lap bar down to secure us in, we were all astronauts stationed on Mars and sent on a space flight mission to Jupiter's moon. Needless to say we made it back safely. Shakes you about a bit, I loved it and wanted to go back on again. I can imagine you would queue a bit for this one on a busy day.
Astronaut Faye
This place should definitely be on your 'to do' list for kids and adults alike. My time was very limited but most people make day of it. They often have special events on too so it's worth keeping your eye on the website. Click here to visit.
Another thing to point out is that the Abbey Pumping Station is right next door (recent museum post on it) so you can kill two birds and all that on your exciting day out. It's also a must see.
Thank you Sarah, Holly and Faye for taking me on a wicked adventure. I'm ready to blast off now in my space suit. (perhaps a good job I've not seen Gravity yet!!!!!!)
Over and Out fellow Astronauts.
If you've been to the National Space Centre I 'd love to hear about your day. Don't be afraid just leave me a comment.
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