The reason being is that Mr C and I had the whole week off together, never before has this happened over my birthday so bloody hell we were gonna make the most of it.
And so our week began on the Saturday with a 21st birthday BBQ party for William, our best friends son. The birthday boy is not in this shot, that's Bracken at the back, who looks just a tad older than 21!
The weather was shocking on the Saturday morning and poor Sarah was so worried it would be a washout, however come 1pm the sun made an appearance and stayed out to play right until it went back to bed for the evening!
As the sun was shining again Mr C and I went for a bike ride. My first since my shoulder surgery. We have so much gorgeous countryside surrounding us we never get bored getting out there, and in fact we often follow the same route.
As the sun was shining again Mr C and I went for a bike ride. My first since my shoulder surgery. We have so much gorgeous countryside surrounding us we never get bored getting out there, and in fact we often follow the same route.
I did quite well and thoroughly enjoyed being back in the saddle. When you're out on your bike, you know you have to have pit stops at the pubs, right? A cider or two gives you the energy to carry on. Perhaps you can see now why we often follow the same route!!
Our second pit stop was the lovely Griffin Inn at Swithland, where we shoveled down a huge Sunday roast, listen, cycling is hard work, we'd built up an appetite! Washed down with more cider. We then had to rest for some time right here with this beaut view. Could have done with a quick snooze too. When I eventually got back on my bike it felt like my overgrown belly hit my knees every time the peddles went round. Urrgghh.......can we skip the hills now please?
Popped into our local town. Unfortunately, as we came out of a shop it had started to rain, so what are you to do? Dob in the nearest pub silly! We went into the Slug and Lettuce, and were starving so ended up ordering lunch as well which was a great bargain as on a Monday everything on the menu is half price. Result. Bring it on.Sorry, no pics though, we were so hungry we scoffed the lot before shots could be taken. It was yummy.
Visited Mr C's parents in the afternoon.
Had to go out and pick up birthday presents for couple of people in the morning, and in the process only ended up buying myself a bloody Mulberry handbag didn't I. I was shocked I'd done it, came out in a sweat handing over all that money but thrilled and excited as well. I will tell you the story in a separate post. Anyways, the sun was out and just had to have a cheeky one to celebrate so headed to the Manor pub in Quorn to celebrate and welcome my new baby into the family! It was another warm summery day so perfect for whiling away an hour or so. Although lots of cotton wool clouds floating about, which fascinate me. I could watch them dance on the breeze for hours, with cider in hand of course. To me they always seem so close, like you could just reach out and grab one.
This one was taken a little later in the day, please tell me you can see the profile of Dr Snuggles in the cloud like I can?
Tuesday afternoon was spent freezer shopping. Boring. And you can't get a cider in Curry's!!!! I am not an alcoholic.
We packed up a picnic and headed off to the Peak District. I will do a separate post on this one as we have numerous piccies and met a lovely couple there too, who I really want to tell you about. We got back around 7.30 that evening, the kids fending for themselves as far as foraging for food was concerned so we headed out to eat at a local village restaurant called Slate.
The food was delicious as usual. I had Thai chicken curry and Mr C had lambs liver. After stuffing ourselves silly on our picnic, then gorging ourselves on a starter and main at Slate, we were literally ready to explode. There really is a theme emerging to our week off isn't there? I see what you might be thinking, everything revolves around food and drink,'re probably right.
MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! I spent a quick 20 minutes with the kids before they had to go off to college/work. Wished it was a weekend so we could have had breakfast together, but then thinking about Tom (20) probably wouldn't have made an appearance from his smelly pit until lunch time anyway.
I was truly spoilt by family and friends and had some special gifts. I had smellys, jewellery, flowers, a pretty scarf, and this from my amazing husband. A Mulberry leather double wrap bracelet. I adore it.
This day, my birthday, we were off to the races. A first for me, as I'd never been to watch horse racing. It was in Nottingham and we went with our good friends Sarah and Mike. We've got tons of photos so again will do a separate post for all you horsey folks. It was a wonderfully sunny day, no, scrap that, it was a scorcher of a day and would have burnt to a frazzle without lashings of cream.
You don't need to ask, we didn't fare well with the gambling. Lost about 8 races but the birthday girl did have one winner, mega bucks = £9 whoohoo! Another picnic and yet another exciting day, with special friends. I'm ashamed to say we stopped at a local pub on the way home, it's getting a bit embarrassing now writing about us frequenting public houses on so many occasions. Look, the way I see it is that it was my birthday, so it was allowed, and I, no we, have helped to keep so many people in business this week. Without us drinking their cider and beer, where would they be? Whilst at the pub my special day was topped off by son making a surprise appearance and then my daughter joining us later. A birthday that will remain in my memory bank forever. *sigh* didn't want it to end.
Another day and another picnic. We've also eaten enough bread between us to keep a large bakery in business. Today we were off to Rutland Water. Quick selfie on the way.
Who invited Donald to the picnic? Move along, no bread here for you!
The ducks surrounded us and were trying to make us surrender and give up our crusty loaf!
Come on, stop filling ya face, I'm ready for my photo shoot now.
Incase you're wondering the palm print jumpsuit is from F&F at Tesco here, and it's so comfy.
Time for a '99'
Donald and crew thought so too.
I am certain ducks will eat anything, even tried Mr C's sweaty flip flop at one point! Weirdo!
They have a penchant for ice cream cones and this cheeky one grabbed the whole thing out of Mr C's hand and tried to do a runner, but the others were having none of it and a massive chase and pile on ensued!
Bored yet? Nearly at the end of the week.
Lazy morning followed by a visit to my parents to take the best Daddy in the world his Fathers Day pressie and card. They were looking after my sisters nippers for the night who were already there so it was lovely to see them for a while.
Mr C got excited with the Nerf gun!!!!
Then off to see our besties for a takeaway and to watch the England match until the early hours.
Last appalling quality selfie of the week and Mr C found the footie that thrilling he fell asleep!
Wow... that soon came around again.
After our mega busy week we decided to stay in and chill. We needed a rest.
As it another special day I want to take a moment here, and wish my man, the daddy of our amazing children a Happy Fathers Day. You have so much love in your heart for our children. More than words could ever express. You nurture and support them in every way possible. In fact would go to the ends of the earth for them. I love how you look after and care and protect our little family. Not only our children but me too. You are the most patient man on the planet and we are all so lucky to have you in our lives. And lets not forget my daddy and my father in law who are both such amazing men and who have shaped us into the great family we are today. We love you all so much.
Phew...........what a week. Are you worn out cos we are! I have loved having so much one on one time with the love of my life and hey, we didn't even have one argument. Everything was calm, relaxed and idyllic, and of course the superb weather helped too!
I will treasure it forever and I know that in a few years time I will look back, read this and it will bring the biggest smile to my face.
Awww : ) x x